Faith, forgiveness, Self Awareness, spirituality, Uncategorized

What Have we Learned?

WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED FROM THIS? It has been energetically difficult for a few weeks and many of us are facing old issues that need healing. I believe these issues need healing because we can’t take them with us to the next step on our journey. It’s a gauge on how we have grown, observing the old issue coming up and how we handle it today. Each of us could have learned something monumental this month– What did you learn about yourself this month? Join me and let’s chat about it! ❤️

Breakthrough the emotional obstacles that keep you from connecting with the spiritual transformation inside you! Simple things you can do to Unleash Your Light! You can get a FREE PDF copy of Unleash Your Light at (also available in digital download for $1) Find me at Unleash Your Light on FB… I broadcast weekly shows on Facebook at The Akashic Academy… You can get more info about joining The Akashic Academy at Tell ’em li sent you! The price has gone up since this video was taped-well worth every penny, though.

Empathy, forgiveness, Self Awareness, spirituality, Uncategorized

Give Yourself a Break!

Do you find yourself being critical of your own thoughts and actions?
Do you get down on yourself when things don’t pan out the way you planned?
Do you have a case of the ‘shouldas’?
( I shoulda done this- I shoulda done that?)
Your ‘shouldas’ could be holding you back!
Join me and let’s chat about it❤️

Breakthrough the emotional obstacles that keep you from connecting with the spiritual transformation inside you! Simple things you can do to Unleash Your Light!

You can get a FREE PDF copy of Unleash Your Light at
(also available in digital download for $1)

Find me at Unleash Your Light on FB…

I broadcast weekly shows on Facebook at The Akashic Academy…

You can get more info about joining The Akashic Academy at Tell ’em li sent you!
The price has gone up since this video was taped-well worth every penny, though.

forgiveness, Self Awareness, spirituality

How Can I Forgive Someone Who Doesn’t Deserve It?


We all have people in our lives who have hurt us…who have crossed us…who have betrayed us…we have all felt stabbed in the back, taken advantage of, and downright heartbroken. People in our past who have done us wrong in a big way- or in a lot of little ways over and over and over.

It Hurts!!

And it doesn’t just hurt in the moment- it can hurt for years to come. It can be something that affects your decisions everyday. When you get betrayed and hurt, it is something that will stick with you, it stains your heart and shifts something in your brain. It can shift your perspective 180 degrees- changing who you are and how you present yourself to the world. The pain doesn’t go away easily…and even when the pain goes away there is a lesson imprinted on your psyche that you carry with you… That imprint of that pain and the lesson you took away from it stays with you and affects everything you do- every decision you make, who you get involved with, how you react to pain, making choices, taking chances…who you love, how you love…even if you love. Sometimes you don’t even realize what you are doing, you don’t realize why you are reacting the way you do. You mess up good relationships, avoid certain types of people, stay away from situations, push away the people who love you. Why??

Why do we hold onto the pain?

Most of the time when the initial pain passes, we think it’s gone-POOF- out of sight out of mind. We move on with our lives and leave the pain behind—or so we think.  We don’t want to carry all of this stuff around, right??? or do we???

Our minds are like a computer. Everything we do, everything we hear, everything we see is programmed onto our hard drive. And just like on a computer, even when you delete an app from our screen, there are still pieces of that app deep within the computer. When the betrayal or hurt happened, it installed little triggers in you. Here’s an example– you have a long term partner/boyfriend/girlfriend -you come home from work one day and the bed is stripped, sheets in the washer, no sign of your partner. Later you find out that your partner had another lover over at your house, in YOUR bed. Of course- you break up and you move on. So here we are 2 years later- you’ve moved on and you are in a happy loving relationship. You come home from work and you find the bed stripped, sheets in the washer- your partner folding laundry on the couch. They turn to you and smile, proud of their good deed. You fly off the handle, screaming, yelling, losing your mind. A fight ensues, and even though your partner is able to prove that they didn’t have anyone at the house, now you watch their every move with suspicion. The trust in the relationship is broken and your partner leaves you. Your partner did not even do anything wrong- there was no cheating… and yet you lost someone you loved…all because of the triggers installed by your betrayal 2 years ago.  Those triggers will continue to plague you for the rest of your life UNLESS you can figure out a way to uninstall them. How do you do that?? Forgive the person who put them there. Easier said than done right?

How do I forgive the person that wronged me?

I’m sure that you have heard the saying about how holding a grudge is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. That is exactly how forgiveness works! You have to forgive the person you are holding a grudge against-it’s like the antidote to the poison.

So how do you drink the antidote?? The first thing you have to do is figure out where your grudge lies and who it was that hurt you…this part is going to suck- no ifs ands or buts about it. Dig in deep-think back to the moment you were hurt by someone. What did they say that hurt you? What was the situation? Now be unbiased- be fair to both sides. How did you contribute to the situation? Could you have done something to prevent it? Don’t get defensive- be honest with yourself. Now I want you to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. We often expect others to react the way WE would react, but we have to remember that the person who hurt you has lived a different life than you have. They have different triggers installed by the life they have led and the experiences they have had…maybe they hurt you because of a trigger you pulled without even realizing it. People are rarely hurtful to other people because they want to be– it’s usually because of something inside of them. Figure it out- take your own emotion out of it.

The next step in the process is to be compassionate about their motivation. Be understanding of the triggers and possible life events that led them to treat you that way.  Remember the love or friendship you had for them and use that feeling to be an imaginary shoulder for them to cry on. Now realize that they may not even know why they hurt you, betrayed you, lashed out at you. Most people don’t examine why the have their feelings, they just  FEEL them. But you are going to be different. You are going to logically and compassionately talk yourself through the situation from both sides and comfort the person that hurt you…because obviously if they hurt you, they must be hurting too…

This is the point where you forgive them. You don’t have to tell them in person, you don’t have to call them- you don’t even have to send them a message…you just forgive them and wish them well…no one has to hear it but you. Say it out loud. Tell that person as if they were standing in front of you that you forgive them and that you hope they work out all of their issues and find happiness. You tell them that the pain they caused you has no power over you any more and you have no use for it. You wish them well and mentally send them on their way…

Now don’t think you have to let that person back into your life- you don’t.

Don ‘t think it is weakness to forgive- it’s not.

When you forgive someone else, you are really doing it for yourself. It’s like running a de-frag program on your computer and sweeping out all the leftover pieces of the triggers that were installed. Sometimes it takes more than once. Reprogramming can take a minute- everytime you start to react to those triggers, or think of that person who hurt you with anger or pain in your heart- just say ‘I forgive you’ and let it go…

You can do this! Forgiveness is the best thing you can do for yourself! IImage from



forgiveness, Light, Love, Uncategorized

Be Your Own Valentine!


Be Your Own Valentine this year!
Each day- starting today- from now until Feb 14th write yourself a love note. Write something nice about yourself, a compliment, something sweet, something kind. Put them in a special place- a pretty bowl- your jewelry box- someplace that makes you smile. On Valentine’s Day, set the scene. Light some candles, put on your favorite outfit-jammies or formal gown-whatever makes you happy- get your favorite snack too.
Then read each of your love notes out loud.
Don’t argue them in your head.
Don’t contradict them.
Just say ‘Thank You’
That’s it…
‘Thank You’
You are a divine child of the light and you deserve all of the happiness and love the universe has to offer.
The best place to start is with yourself!
Belief, forgiveness, God, Light, spirituality, Uncategorized

Be Nice to Yourself and Others


I know what you are thinking.

Be nice?

Be nice?

That’s your advice?


That is my advice.

It seems like simple common sense.

“Be nice.”

But often we are not nice…

Maybe the cashier at the grocery store made a mistake. You get annoyed, you get rude. Maybe you even make a rude comment like – How hard is it to push buttons? – Maybe someone cuts you off in traffic and a string of curse words flow from your lips. Maybe you even flip them off. Maybe you start chasing them through traffic – Road Rage Anyone?

It’s not always easy. It’s a choice. There is a moment when you are about to react.

Choose to be a blessing.

Choose to be nice.

Maybe you will make a difference in the other person’s life.

Maybe they are having trials in their life and your smile and understanding can give them a moment of peace, brighten their day.

Give them hope. It can be difficult at times but the blessings you put out there will come back to you.

The other half of the equation is not so easy.


Be nice to yourself.

Sounds simple…deceptively simple.

But it’s harder than you think.

When you look in the mirror, what do you say to yourself?

Do you smile and think how great you look or do you zero in on “faults” you see starring back at you. Do a chorus of voices ring out in your head – ugly – fat – stupid?

When you make a mistake do you condemn yourself?? – failure, loser, no good.

You would never say that to your best friend.

You would never put up with someone else saying that to your best friend.

Before you judge yourself, call yourself names or just generally be mean and hate on yourself, take a minute and say something nice. I know it’s hard and maybe you don’t really believe what you are saying. But if you say it enough it will become your truth.

PROVERB 23 – As we think so shall we become.

It won’t always be easy. If you catch yourself being mean, then correct yourself and say something nice. It will become a habit.

I know this from personal experience. I couldn’t even pass a mirror without saying I was a fat ugly loser. No one will ever really love you. But I overcame it day by day, week by week…and you can too!

Dr. Phil calls them ANTS – Automatic Negative Thoughts. Traditional psychology calls those voices the negative ego. Some would call the voices demons or the devil.

I call it the darkness.

You must realize that just the fact that you can lean back and listen to those voices means that they are a separate entity from yourself.

Those voices are not you. They are something else entirely, trying to hold you down and keep you from your true potential, keep you from God’s light and love.

Those voices from the darkness will torture you; trying to get you feel fear, anger, hatred, toward yourself and towards others.

You must reject those voices. When you hear them start, tell them to shut up. Reject what they are saying and replace it by saying–

“I am a child of God and he made me perfect, exactly who I need to be to accomplish my purpose in this life.”

If you are about to be mean to someone, the voices start spinning about how it’s not fair, they can’t treat you like that, the anger starts to build say—

“ I reject that feeling. I am a child of God and I am a blessing to all who cross my path”

It sounds a little crazy, but it could be your purpose in that person’s life to teach them forgiveness or patience.

You CAN choose to be nice to yourself and others. It is tough at first, but it’s like a muscle; The more you use it the stronger it gets!


Here are some inspirational scriptures to support you when you are feeling weak.


Matthew 5:44-48

44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?

47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?

48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Proverbs 4:23

23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

1 John 4:20

Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.

Philippians 2:5

5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
Ephesians 2:10

10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

2 Corinthians 10:5

5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

2 Corinthians 9:7

7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion,

for God loves a cheerful giver.

Colossians 3:12

12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience