
You are the One

It is not up to anyone else to make you happy-to make you feel safe- to make you feel pretty or handsome-to make you feel loved-to soothe your fears…
I spent years – most of my life-feeling unwanted and unloved. Now I recognize that I was the one who felt that way about myself and I attracted a physical experience with the world to match how I felt about myself….
Our feelings are powerful magnets and we will attract what we are feeling, thinking, believing…
That also means that by changing our beliefs about ourselves we are able to access the infinite well of unconditional love. In doing so, we can shift our perception of ourselves and the world around us, thus changing what we attract in our lives. If you want a different life, start feeling differently about the life you have now and who you really are ❤️
You are able to do all of that…
You are the love of your life
You are your shelter in a storm
You are the sanctuary
You are the One

Belief, Love, Self Awareness, spirituality, Uncategorized

Self Validation is the Key

Do you find yourself looking for approval from others? Do you always feel like you are never enough? What is self validation? How does it strengthen our connection? Join me  and let’s chat about it

Breakthrough the emotional obstacles that keep you from connecting with the spiritual transformation inside you!

Simple things you can do to Unleash Your Light!

You can get a FREE PDF copy of Unleash Your Light at http://www.unleashyourlight.org/ (also available in digital download for $1)

Find me at Unleash Your Light on FB https://www.facebook.com/unleashyourl

I broadcast weekly shows on Facebook at The Akashic Academy https://www.facebook.com/theakashicac

You can get more info about joining The Akashic Academy at https://theakashicacademy.com/

Tell ’em li sent you! The price has gone up since this video was taped-well worth every penny, though.


Awakening knowledge

Those stages of Awakening are the journey we are all on. As we walk this path, our knowing returns to us. The knowledge of civilizations across the dimensional planes of ‘time’ begin to shape our interaction with our NOW.
All time happens all the time…
And so the wisdom of the ages is always there, awaiting your access…
The more we connect with the heart of Unconditional love, the stronger our connection to the Divine energy of the universe which holds within it all memory and creation.❤️


How Can I Gain Self Confidence through Unconditional Love?

UNLEASH YOUR LIGHT- SELF CONFIDENCE- SELF ESTEEM- SELF JUDGEMENT -SELF AWARENESS Are you seeing a pattern here? What do all of these things have in common? It’s you! How can we harness Unconditional love to transform our SELF? Join me and let’s chat! ❤️

Breakthrough the emotional obstacles that keep you from connecting with the spiritual transformation inside you!

Simple things you can do to Unleash Your Light!

You can get a FREE PDF copy of Unleash Your Light at http://www.unleashyourlight.org/ (also available in digital download for $1)

Find me at Unleash Your Light on FB https://www.facebook.com/unleashyourl

I broadcast weekly shows on Facebook at The Akashic Academy https://www.facebook.com/theakashicac

You can get more info about joining The Akashic Academy at https://theakashicacademy.com/

Tell ’em li sent you! The price has gone up since this video was taped-well worth every penny, though.


Repeating patterns in worship

Very interesting information on the repeating pattern in the religious stories throughout the centuries. It reaches far beyond Egyptian and Christian, as far back as our written history documents- the same stories with different names and cultural details… This lends credence to the metaphorical importance of the story itself, whether it happened IRL or not… Look deeper at the stories conditioned into our culture and you will see a guide to connecting to and sharing the Creator energy within you…



There are always choices in every situation… We may not like those choices…
They may seem ridiculous…
They may feel ‘wrong’ …
They may rip your world apart…
They may feed your pain…
They may support your 3d attachment…
Sometimes the ‘right’ thing can feel ‘wrong’ and the ‘wrong’ thing can feel ‘right’…
Sometimes you may not ‘want’ the healing…
Sometimes you may ‘need’ the destruction…
And yet every choice is right for you in the moment the choice is made–
because if you choose ‘wrong’ it means you need to experience that path and its consequences… Even if it is painful…
And yet every choice is a solution…
Every scenario below ‘solves’ the problem…
But which choices support growth?
Which choices support healing?
Which choices support empathy and consideration for others?
Which choices support Unconditional love of self?
Only you have the answers
Only you have the truths
Only you make the choice…
We can CHOOSE to live in our reruns…
We can CHOOSE to disrupt our patterns…
We can CHOOSE to stay in the comfort of our own well worn thinking habits
We can CHOOSE to shift our perspective and embrace a new way of thought. ❤️


Get comfortable with being uncomfortable

This is a difficult concept to embrace and embody. We as humans are conditioned to run from pain and do everything we can to numb it, medicate it, placate it, avoid it, ignore it and even normalize it. In our physical body, pain is an indication of a deeper issue, a clue to something going on deep in our physiological system. And yet in our emotional and Spiritual ‘body’ we ignore these indications, we run from them or we just decide pain is my life now…
We must become comfortable with being uncomfortable. We must learn to sit in the pain, both as the one experiencing it and as the one observing it. We must did in and follow the ‘clues’ that our pain leaves us so we can discover its source and heal/shift/love it away. ❤️


You are doing it!

Yes- you are doing it!
And wherever you are right now IS the right place for you in this moment,
because this moment is a culmination of all of the thoughts, intentions, wounds and choices that have led you here.
And sitting in this moment in truth and accountability for what led you here…
Love yourself through these moments of ‘chaos’ in your life-
Have empathy for yourself and all of your decisions, even the ones that May take you in a direction you did not intend-
Know that how you handle THIS place determines what comes next.
You are the Divine expression of Unconditional Love ❤️ Believe that and know your journey will take you beyond 🙏



So true! Our triggers are a gift- they are clues to the places in us that still need some love-some attention-and some healing ❤️
Don’t remove the triggers from your life without ‘uninstalling’ them from your programming 🙂
It’s like removing the icon for a misfunctioning app from your phone screen, but not actually removing the app 🤔🙂❤️