Empathy, forgiveness, Self Awareness, spirituality, Uncategorized

Give Yourself a Break!

Do you find yourself being critical of your own thoughts and actions?
Do you get down on yourself when things don’t pan out the way you planned?
Do you have a case of the ‘shouldas’?
( I shoulda done this- I shoulda done that?)
Your ‘shouldas’ could be holding you back!
Join me and let’s chat about it❤️

Breakthrough the emotional obstacles that keep you from connecting with the spiritual transformation inside you! Simple things you can do to Unleash Your Light!

You can get a FREE PDF copy of Unleash Your Light at http://www.unleashyourlight.org/
(also available in digital download for $1)

Find me at Unleash Your Light on FB

I broadcast weekly shows on Facebook at The Akashic Academy

You can get more info about joining The Akashic Academy at
https://theakashicacademy.com/ Tell ’em li sent you!
The price has gone up since this video was taped-well worth every penny, though.

Empathy, Self Awareness, spirituality, Uncategorized, Unconditional Love

Awakening Action Plan for 2019

How can we embrace and express Unconditional love of self and others to expand our Awakening and connection in 2019? Simple things you can do in your everyday life that will transform your experience! Join me and let’s chat about it!


Empathy, Light, Self Awareness, Social Activism, spirituality, Uncategorized, Unconditional Love

Current Events Conundrum

Do you watch the news? Do you avoid TV? Should we? Are you an activist? As we embrace the 5d and our Awakening, how do we navigate the ‘real world’? Our 3d world seems to get more complicated every day- Tragedy- war- anger- hatred – racism- politics- governments- What is our role in this transition?

This may be a controversial topic but it’s one I believe every Lightworker, empath, and awakened person should explore. Join me and let’s chat about it❤️

Breakthrough the emotional obstacles that keep you from connecting with the spiritual transformation inside you! Simple things you can do to Unleash Your Light!
You can get a FREE PDF copy of Unleash Your Light at http://www.unleashyourlight.org/
(also available in digital download for $1)
Find me at Unleash Your Light on FB https://www.facebook.com/unleashyourl
I broadcast weekly shows on Facebook at
The Akashic Academy https://www.facebook.com/theakashicac
You can get more info about joining The Akashic Academy at https://theakashicacademy.com/
 Tell ’em li sent you! The price has gone up since this video was taped-well worth every penny, though. Subscribe to my YouTube to get notifications when i post new shows! Love love love to you all!!